Area of Expertise

Community Health

Promotion, Awareness raising, education; follow up, accompaniment and implementation process of project and program, home and hospital visits, psychosocial support, referral and counter referral to various actors, best practices documentation.

Animation Sciences and Techniques

Functional literacy, andragogy, socio-economic integration of young people, structuring of organizations, education for citizenship and democratic life, associative, volunteering, design and implementation of animation techniques.

Local Economic Development

Social diagnostic and feasibility studies, implementation, structuring and support of various categories of inhabitants in mediation and conflict management, capacity building of organizations elaboration of local development strategies, local planning, establishment of localized production systems, development of production chains. Support for the public-private contracting process,

Adult and Youth Entrepreneurship

Incubation and support for youth entrepreneurship. Empowering existing adult enterprises with production of participative diagnosis, development plan… Training of entrepreneur modules (concept of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial culture, behavior of the entrepreneur, search for resources , setting up a business plan (market study, technical study, profitability study, study of the structuring of producers of different sectors and improvements in their marketing channels).

Project Management

Initialization, framing, planning, steering, management, monitoring and evaluation, project closure, IT project management on Ms Project and Primavera, management of project teams.


Management of local authorities, management of human resources of local authorities, management of a team, strategic and operational management of organizations, planning, forecasting, organizational analysis, innovation and creativity, various policies.

Social Engineering Training

Analysis, design, implementation and evaluation of training actions,  training of trainers in local urban or rural leadership, support for non-profit organizations in developing their social marketing plan. Experienced in andragogy, an essential tool for adult education.
IDF Bamenda