Support to Orphans and Vulnerable Children

With over 785,000 children in the north west region, many of IDF’s beneficiaries are children. 

Supporting Orphans and Vulnerable children with PLAN and the Government

In 2006, IDF started working with the Ministry of Public Health (MINSANTE) and Plan Cameroon in the context of providing support to over 250 Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) in the Menchum division.

OVCs at school

OVCs at school

Project Context

With MINSANTE and Plan, IDF carried out extensive research examining orphans and vulnerable children including their location, the factors which affect their vulnerability, their needs and the respect of their safety and rights.  During an action research activity carried out by IDF in Menchum Division as a part of its work with the Government and Plan, more than 5,700 orphans and vulnerable children were identified.  After undertaking the research to identify the OVCs, IDF helped the government in carrying out support and care activities.Supporting Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Supporting Orphans and Vulnerable Children


Some of the activities carried out with the help of MINSANTE included providing:

  • Psychosocial support  like counseling to children and to families or caregivers
  • Education and training through the sponsorship of children in schools and vocational training and life skills development
  • Nutrition education to children and their caregivers
  • Medical issue awareness to ensure adherence to drug regimens prescribed at the hospitals
  • Legal support to help link children with legal departments and human rights organizations and to help them obtain a birth certificate
  • Economic empowerment for sustainability to caregivers through income generating activities
  • Advocacy training to empower persons to fight for themselves and their rights
  • Material support for necessities such as clothing, shoes etc

An orphan gains vocational skills

An orphan gains vocational skills

Results and Impacts

Through the provision of care and support to OVCs and their caregivers, families were encouraged to accept children who had lost their parents, and acceptance of HIV and AIDS was instilled in some people.

Working with Schools

Working with Schools

Supporting Orphans and Vulnerable Children with CARE

In the framework of support to OVC, CARE Cameroon provided nutritional, educational and hygienic item support to children in Wum Central, Fungom and Mechum Valley sub divisions.  IDF was the local based NGO that assisted with the delivery of the support.

Project Context

The HIV and AIDS pandemic has had many negative impacts on the North West region, one of the most significant impacts is the increased number of orphans and vulnerable children.  The government provided care and support to these children until 2009 when funding was significantly reduced.  In an effort to ensure the continued wellbeing of these children, CARE Cameroon with technical assistance from IDF (responsible to coordinate the deliveries) decided to provide Educational, Nutritional and Hygenic support to 430 OVC in Wum Central, Fungom, and Menchum valley selected using laid down criteria.

Rice being distributed to OVCs and their families in Wum

Rice being distributed to OVCs and their families in Wum


In December 2009, CARE provided nutritional support for OVCs and IDF delivered Rice, Beans and Groundnut Oil to promote healthy nutritional habits. IN May and June 2010, CARE provided educational and hygienic support consisting of exercise books, erasers, sharpeners, rulers, pencils, pens, arm boards, school bags, soap, toothbrush and toothpaste.    

OVCs collecting educational support items

OVCs collecting educational support items

Results and Impacts

  • 343 orphans and vulnerable children in Wum received nutritional support.
  • 430 orphans and vulnerable children in Wum received educational and hygienic support.
  • The activities were carried out in an effort to promote healthy living and improved on the literacy level of the beneficiaries.
  • The exercise was a commendable one. Children who benefited and their family will at least be able to eat good food thanks to the support.
  • CARE should continue with the good work that they have been doing in trying to change as many lives as possible for the better.

Distributing school items to OVCsDistributing school items to OVCs

Difficulties Faced

  • More logistical organize needs to carried out to reduce unnecessary and excessive travel time, this will also help to ensure that the schedule of events is respected.
  • Some parents or guardians do not have Identity Card and someone else had to sign for the collection of food for their children.
  • Beneficiaries and stakeholders were not consulted on the nature of support.

Lessons Learned

  • Due to the fact that beneficiaries were not consulted on the nature of support, other items were identified as higher priority such as payment of school fees.
  • The physical presence of local authorities was a very good indicator of how important an exercise of this nature is.
  • Technical preparation is a core to permit fast, accurate and easy results/ output.

Way Forward/Recommendations

  • During subsequent exercises like this, beneficiaries and all stakeholders should be consulted at the preparatory phase especially when determining what type of support should be given.
  • Improved relation should be encouraged between CARE and the partner organization during subsequent exercises.
IDF Bamenda