Atuazire Community Development

Atuazire is a quarter in the city of Bamenda, Cameroon.  The population of Atuazire is estimated at 29,000 and the average household size is 6.45. This quarter has two main water streams which flow through and provide water to the residents.  However, this quarter also has steep embankments which put certain Atuazire residents, who have built their homes too close to the gully, in danger of landslides. This quarter has potable water and electricity along its main routes.

Atuazire has undergone phases 1 through 4 of the Local Economic Development (LED) project. Phase 4 was completed with the handing over of all the infrastructure by PDUE to the Bamenda City Council and the subsequent handing over to the quarter associations. Below are some highlights from the LED process.

Democracy at work

Election of executive members for the Atuazire development association (ATUDA). This process involved using an electoral code developed using a participatory approach and a transparent ballot box. Local authorities were involved to increase credibility and transparency.


Elections in AtuazireElections in Atuazire

Foot path “39 Steps”

This path connecting two busy neighbourhoods has heavy pedestrian traffic. Before the project, the path was dangerous and insecure especially at night, it was also impassable in the wet season. Children had died falling into the creek due to the poor bridge and slippery footing. After the project this foot path is accessible and safe all year round, pedestrian traffic has increased and this area has become a touristic location.

Handing Over Ceremony

The infrastructure in Atuazire is now officially in the hands of the quarter development association ATUDA. A ceremony was held to commemorate this handing over where the handing over documents were signed by the coordinator PDUE and the Govern ment Delegate of the city council and the president of  ATUDA.

Handing over ceremonyHanding over ceremony with Atuda

IDF Bamenda