Building IDF’s Coaching Skills
In May 2011, Caroline Spira (a coach with Coaching the Global Village), carried out training with IDF staff, volunteers and board members in order to build their coaching skills. IDF believes that coaching is an important tool for its staff and volunteers to be familiar with
because so much of the empowerment work its carries out involves helping the marginalized take ownership of their lives and to commit to their goals. Coaching is a tool that helps the coach guide the coachee to their desired destination without manipulation or force, but rather helping the coachee find answers and strategies within him or her self.
Caroline introduces the GROW model of Coaching
A three day workshop was carried out at the IDF office and introduced participants to a variety of concepts and tools in addition to providing opportunities for practice and skill building. Some of the topics covered included:
- Identifying values and creating relationships;
- Providing constructive feedback;
- Listening effectively;
- Being accountable; and
- Setting goals.
Results and Impacts
Participants indicated that this training was incredibly valuable and equipped them with useful and practical skills for their work.
“ Coaching skills will be of great use to IDF. As an organization that strives to empower the marginalised, coaching offers a way to get people to commit to their dreams and goals and to take ownership of their action plans to reach these goals.” Catherine Shih (VSO Volunteer placed with IDF 2010/11)
“Coaching is a tool that can ensure sustainability of action and change for an individual, community or organization. This is because
coaching is strongly based on participation that also ensures appropriation and guarantees the implementation of ideas. I found the thing of greatest value of this workshop was the practicality and adaptability of all the notions I have learnt, also the tools (tree of life, journey map). ” Oussematou Dameni Therese (IDF Coordinator)
“I learned some important insights: coaching is part of what ever aspect or activity we do in life, and it allows people to look within themselves and come up with topics for discussions. In life, we have to set our goals and be determined to accomplish or reach it no matter the path we use. “ Terence Awasum Ndikum (IDF Monitoring and Evaluation Officer)