Local Economic Development

What is Local Economic Development?

According to the World Bank local economic development (LED) is the process by which the economic capacity of a local area is built up to improve its economic future and the quality of life for all. 

It is a process by which public, business and nongovernmental sector partners work collectively to create better conditions for economic growth and employment generation.   The International Labor Organization further defines LED as meaning more than just economic growth. It is promoting participation and local dialogue, connecting people and their resources for better employment and a higher quality of life for men and women.

improved drainage LEDImproved drainage system thanks to LED

 What is the Decentralization process in Cameroon?

Cameroon is currently undergoing a decentralization process where the central government is delegating some of its power to local councils giving them decision making power and control over their budgets.  In order to ensure this process is effective it is essential that capacity building with local councils is undertaken so that they will be able to manage their new role in a competent, transparent and participative manner.

Improved roads LEDImproved roads thanks to LED

 What is IDF’s history and experience in this domain?

IDF has been working in the area of local economic development (LED) since 1995.  In its work IDF generally undertakes the role of social engineer which permits IDF to create new links between social groups and the organizations responsible with the social wellbeing of the target populations.  Social engineering (SI) encompasses the techniques and knowhow that permit the diagnosis, implementation and the coordination and evaluation of social projects.  In short, SI includes engineering social action and social development.  In this respect, IDF has successfully played the role of social engineer in the following projects:

IDF continues to bid for LED projects and hopes to expand its knowledge and skills by carrying out LED in some of the villages in the North West Region. In keeping with the trends, IDF’s staff recently participated in a World Bank training on using GPS which will be a great tool in LED projects in the region especially in localities which have poor access and insufficient maps.

Improved pedestrianImproved pedestrian path thanks to LED

For a PDF version of IDF’s Local Economic Development work please download:  IDF Local Economic Development Booklet

IDF Bamenda