Recognition For IDF's Work
Please click on the following links to view some of the certificates and letters IDF has been awarded with in recognition of its commendable work:
- Certificate from the Regional Delegation of Women Empowerment and Family
- Certificate from the Peace Corps
- Letter of Thanks from the Mbengkas Rice Cooperative Society
Please click on the following links to view some of the news coverage related to IDF’s work and activities:
- Proceedings from the Forum on Water and Drainage in Bamenda with GRET: GRET Water and Drainage in Bamenda
- Article from Business & Marketing Issue No 045 Page 6 (2004), Title: GTZ on a mission to empower single adolescent mothers and fathers: Business & Marketing Issue Article 1
- Article from Business & Marketing Issue No 073 Page 5, Title: Gov’t Creates Community Mutual Health Fund: Business & Marketing Article 2
- Article from Cameroon Tribune 01 June 1999, Title: Drainage Problems Hit Bamenda: Cameroon Tribune Article 1
- Article from Cameroon Tribune 20 August 2001, Title: AIDS: The Good News from Furu-Awa: Cameroon Tribune Article 2
- Article from Cameroon Tribune 21 August 2001, Title: GTZ/IDF Launch AIDS Prevention campaign in Furu-Awa:Article from Cameroon Tribune 21 August 2001
- Article from Herald News October 2004 Title: Momo, Ngoketunjia pupils benefit from IDF, Plan Cameroon sponsored birth certificates:Herald News Article
- Article from La voix du paysan juillet 1999, Title: ASPPA 3 ans après: des resultats positifs: La Voix du Paysan Article 1
- Article from La voix du paysan may 2006, Title: Mutuelles de sante au Cameroun, Un manuel des formateurs a été élaboré: La Voix du Paysan Article 2
- Article from L’autre afrique November 1997 Title: Un beau travail de Fourmi: L’autre Afrique Article
- Article from Le Canard de L’Unidac August 2002, Title: Marketing Social: Le Canard de L’Unidac Article
- Article from The Post July 9 2001, Title: IDF, GTZ carry AIDS Fight to the Grassroots: The Post Article
- Article from The teachers’ voice 2004 Title: Plan International and IDF hand out 520 late Birth Certificates: The Teachers’ Voice Article