Recognition For IDF's Work

Please click on the following links to view some of the certificates and letters IDF has been awarded with in recognition of its commendable work:

  1. Certificate from the Regional Delegation of Women Empowerment and Family
  2. Certificate from the Peace Corps
  3. Letter of Thanks from the Mbengkas Rice Cooperative Society

Please click on the following links to view some of the news coverage related to IDF’s work and activities:

  1. Proceedings from the Forum on Water and Drainage in Bamenda with GRET: GRET Water and Drainage in Bamenda
  2. Article from Business & Marketing Issue No 045 Page 6 (2004), Title: GTZ on a mission to empower single adolescent mothers and fathers: Business & Marketing Issue Article 1
  3. Article from  Business & Marketing Issue No 073 Page 5, Title: Gov’t Creates Community Mutual Health Fund: Business & Marketing Article 2
  4. Article from Cameroon Tribune 01 June 1999, Title: Drainage Problems Hit Bamenda: Cameroon Tribune Article 1
  5. Article from Cameroon Tribune 20 August 2001, Title: AIDS: The Good News from Furu-Awa: Cameroon Tribune Article 2
  6. Article from Cameroon Tribune 21 August 2001, Title: GTZ/IDF Launch AIDS Prevention campaign in Furu-Awa:Article from Cameroon Tribune 21 August 2001
  7. Article from Herald News October 2004 Title: Momo, Ngoketunjia pupils benefit from IDF, Plan Cameroon sponsored birth certificates:Herald News Article
  8. Article from La voix du paysan juillet 1999, Title: ASPPA 3 ans après: des resultats positifs: La Voix du Paysan Article 1
  9. Article from La voix du paysan may 2006, Title: Mutuelles de sante au Cameroun, Un manuel des formateurs a été élaboré: La Voix du Paysan Article 2
  10. Article from L’autre afrique November 1997 Title: Un beau travail de Fourmi: L’autre Afrique Article
  11. Article from Le Canard de L’Unidac August 2002, Title: Marketing Social: Le Canard de L’Unidac Article
  12. Article from The Post July 9 2001, Title: IDF, GTZ carry AIDS Fight to the Grassroots: The Post Article
  13. Article from The teachers’ voice 2004 Title: Plan International and IDF hand out 520 late Birth Certificates: The Teachers’ Voice Article
IDF Bamenda