TEMPLATE (with different material)


IDF has been participating in International Women’s Day which is held on March 8th annually since 1996.  This is a major day of global celebration of women. The focus of the celebrations ranges from general celebration of respect, appreciation and love towards women to a celebration for women’s economic, political and social achievements.

IWd 2000

International Women’s day 2000

Project Context

Given that one of IDF’s area of intervention is women’s empowerment, participating in International Women’s Day is integral to spreading awareness about women’s rights. In this respect, IDF is always very active in this celebratory day.  In Cameroon, International Women’s Day is a day when women  do not have to work and can celebrate themselves through parades and public engagements. Special commemorative fabric is designed each year by the president’s wife and is worn by women all across Cameroon.


IWD 2011

International Women’s Day 2011


IDF has participated in International Women’s Day activities in both Wum and Bamenda. In order to empower women and educate the general population about women’s issues and rights, IDF  has carried out the following activities:

  • Participation in parades
  • Information booths and distribution of pamphlets and materials related to women’s issues including HIV and AIDS
  • Presentation of songs and dances
  • Condom demonstrations
  • T-Shirt distribution for IDF participants

A Community Volunteer carries out condom demonstrations on Women's Day 2011

A Community Volunteer carries out condom demonstrations on Women’s Day 2011

Results and Impacts

As a result of IDF’s participation in International Women’s day the populations in Bamenda and in Wum have been able to become more aware of women’s rights and issues relating to women including HIV and AIDS.  Women’s day also offers women in Bamenda and Wum an opportunity to find out about the services and programs offered to them by IDF and other civil society organizations. 

iwd coordinator

IDF Coordinator raises awareness on Women’s Day 2011

Difficulties Faced

  • IDF always has difficulty in obtaining funds for this event which results in a shortage of materials such as handouts and t-shirts.
  • Late approval from our partners sometimes results in some activities being cancelled.
  • Having events in both Wum and Bamenda requires a private vehicle and additional volunteers in order to transport some of the large signboards to Wum.

Marching in Wum on Women's day

Marching in Wum on Women’s day

Lessons Learned

  • T-shirts provide the best incentive for people to attend the parade.
  • IDF’s participation in International Women’s Day in Wum further enhanced IDF’s image in that community.

Raising Awareness on Women's DayRaising Awareness on Women’s Day

Way Forward/Recommendations

  • IDF should include International Women’s Day as an annual activity in its action plan
IDF Bamenda