Vocational Training Centre Isabelle de Boismenu
The Isabelle de Boismenu Vocational Training Centre was created in March 2002. The first two batches of women were trained in 2002 and 2003 with the financial support of GTZ and the Peace Corps. This centre has the mission of rehabilitating single adolescent mothers, renewing their self esteem and providing employability training.
Project Context
In 2001 while carrying out awareness campaigns on HIV and AIDS in Menchum, IDF realized that many young girls were not coming to training programmes on HIV/AIDS and skill development. IDF carried out action research to find out why. 350 girls were interviewed in Wum and 70% had at least 1 baby, (13-18 years old). Many girls had ambition to become house girls in Yaounde or Douala. But they were interested in doing a short training. IDF found out that there is a huge market for house girls but that the environment is not conducive, low pay, no respect, hard work. Many girls did not have the skills to even be good house girls – cleaning, cooking, washing, child care. The VTCIB is therefore conceived as a way to strengthen the like and market skills of these girls so they are empowered to negotiate for employment and for decent working conditions.
Single adolescent mothers were trained on healthy living, and on specific vocational skills for employment (secretarial, domestic and serving work). Topics covered in the course include:
- Health: STIs, HIV and AIDS, general health, hygiene, first aid, child and mother, elder and disabled care
- Basic nutrition
- Labor laws
- Early and unwanted pregnancy
- Gender issues
- Home economics: cooking, home and office décor, sewing, entertainment of guests, budgeting, marketing and home crafts
The course is six weeks in length and in order to practice their theoretical knowledge of life and market skills they were given placements in local establishments. Their placements were monitored and evaluated.
A student during her internship
Results and Impacts
IDF has trained 47 women to date providing them with skills for healthy living along with vocation training. Many of the graduates have successfully found employment in their area of interest, and some graduates have decided to go back to school to further bolster their skills.
Marhcing to raise awarenss
Difficulties Faced
- Funding for new building and dormitory is needed.
- The course needs to be tailored to girls with low literacy levels due to the fact that most of them have dropped out of formal school.
- Many girls are interested in this program but do not have the means to cover their accommodation in town.
- Some employers are hesitant to hire the girls as they fear their salaries demanded will be higher due to the training.
Lessons Learned
- Many of the girls do not have birth certificates or ID cards which can make finding employment after the course difficult
- Psychosocial and medical support should be provided in the program for certain cases
- A legal advisor should be available tor prevent abusive situations and to inform the girls of their rights as women and as workers
Way Forward/Recommendations
- Find funders to support scholarships for the program as well as the construction of a facility including dormitories.
- Raise awareness about the program and also about the benefits of having contracts for employees and employers.
- Explore linkages to other vocational training centres.