World AIDS Day

Since 1st December 2001 IDF has been participating actively in World AIDS Day activities in collaboration with the Regional Technical Group (RTG) and the co-sponsorship of  VSO. IDF usually organized activities to promote awareness about HIV and AIDS as well as activities to support people living with HIV and AIDS.

IDF on World AIDS Day 2009

IDF on World AIDS Day 2009

Project Context

Started on 1st December 1988, World AIDS Day is about raising money, increasing awareness, fighting prejudice and improving education. World AIDS Day is important in reminding people that HIV has not gone away, and that there are many things still to be done.


World AIDS Day Parade 2004

World AIDS Day Parade 2004


IDF has carried out activities in both Bamenda and Wum including:

  • Descriptive stand: An information stand provides a background on IDF and its experiences in the domain of HIV and AIDS.  This helps publicize IDF and its programs and bring it recognition.
  • Information sessions to the public including presentations to the military.
  • Posters and brochures: These are used as another way to raise awareness about the work IDF carries out in the area of HIV and AIDS as well as raises awareness among the population generally.
  • Condom demonstrations: In order to educate people on how to use condoms correctly, IDF staff and volunteers carry out demonstrations using props.
  • Public Testimonies: People living with HIV and AIDS speak publically about the disease and positive living as well as the impact IDF and its programs have had on their lives.
  • Home Visits: Community volunteers and Community Relay Agents visit the homes of some of the most poor people living with HIV and AIDS and provide counseling support and cleaning services.

IDF Information Stand with the Governor in 2010

IDF Information Stand with the Governor in 2010

Results and Impacts

IDF consistently gets positive feedback on its World AIDS day activities from its staff, its community volunteers, the regional technical group and beneficiaries.  IDF distributes condoms and brochures to ensure that the information about HIV and AIDS as well as IDF and its programs is spread to the community.

Condom Demonstration at World AIDS Day 2010

Condom Demonstration at World AIDS Day 2010

Lessons Learned

  • Public testimonies are effective at moving the audience.
  • The presence of heads of services indicate the value that they attach to HIV and AIDS.

Volunteers helping clean the homes of people living with HIV

Volunteers helping clean the homes of people living with HIV

Way Forward/Recommendations

  • Early preparation is important, IDF should have up to date reference materials which can be used to create quick brochures and posters.
  • Try to distribute food baskets on same day as world aids day activities as another way to raise awareness.
  • Search for funding from sources other than VSO, reduce funding dependency on VSO.
IDF Bamenda